8 ways to prevent Lice Infection

May 30, 2017 blogger.valens@gmail.com 0 Comments

In the previous blog, we spoke about how America faces an enormous issue of lice infestation in children and the stigma they face due to it. They have become a very common issue in school-age children where they come in contact with others a lot. At such tender age, they do not know what caused them to have lice and what all precautionary measures they should have taken to prevent them. Hence, we bring a few precautionary measures that parents could work on to keep the kids away from the infection:

1. Do not share head gears: Generally, lice spread through head to head contact but there are cases where it has spread through sharing of caps, hats, scarves, helmets, hair brushes etc. Hence, we advice parents to not let children share their personal head gears with others.

2. Say NO to shared spaces: Sharing is good but not at the risk of getting lice infection. Let the kids know that sharing lockers, desk drawers etc can transfer the lice from one belonging to another, leading to spread of the infection.

3. Night Outs: At children’s night outs, keeping them away from playing, wrestling and cuddling becomes a tough task. Monitor them for such incidences and make sure they sleep at a safe distance from each other.

4. Washing is a must: Wash clothes, bedsheets, blankets and pillow covers after a night out to prevent the spread of infection.

5. Pay close attention: The trick is to observe for the symptoms and signs such as scratching, irritation etc. early so that the infection can be treated in its earlier phase and the situation does not go out of control.

6. Faster the Better: When you notice the symptoms, make sure you act fast enough. Use fine toothed comb for preliminary checking and start the treatment ASAP.

7. Choose Products wisely: We saw in the previous blog how some measures taken to treat lice can be fatal. Hence, Make sure to treat them with natural and quality products such as LiceNil than following the fatal old ones.

8. Keep children calm: The children who are infected tend to feel separated and alone, leading to irritation and frustration in them. It is important to keep them calm and show your support, leading to faster solution.

Follow these safety tips and suggestions to curb the spread of lice infection. Remember, lice can be treated effectively and quickly. Lice-Nil vouches for that!

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