Lice-Nil to the rescue!

April 26, 2017 0 Comments

In the last blog we saw How America is battling Lice with between 6 to 12 million children getting affected every year. The growing number has caused stigmatization around the infection, affecting mental and psychological and physiological health of the young ones.

Lice-Nil is a tested and medically proven product by Sujanil that is natural and completely chemical free. This is the main reason why it is effective against the ‘Pyrethroid resistant’-  Super Lice as well. It has a fast and harmless process that provides lasting results in only 20 minutes. This in one of the main reasons why it is trusted by all the mothers and is recommended by medical professionals. In fact, unlike common chemical lice remedies, Lice-Nil also kills the nits to prevent recurrences.

How to use Lice-Nil:
Apply thoroughly over the affected area
Let formula sit for 20 minutes
Wash hair thoroughly with warm water and shampoo
Use a comb to remove any remaining dead lice or eggs
Enjoy chemical and lice-free hair

Lice-Nil definitely works:
Lice-Nil is an entirely oil-based product whose main ingredient is Neem Extract! Neem extract is a vegetable oil pressed from the seeds and fruits of the Azadirachta Indica tree. The neem extract formula encapsulates and suffocates the lice and lice eggs; blocking the oxygen flow to create carbon dioxide. This results in a complete lice solution that gets rid of every louse and nit.

Where to buy Lice-Nil:
This Lice remedy has been tried and tested for nearly half a century. Try this safe, non-toxic solution to observe a lasting and effective result. Lice-Nil is available in USA at various online and offline stores:

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